Our Workplace
At Babajide Okusaga & Co. , we recognize that highly motivated employees are essential to organisational success, and we are committed to contributing to employees’ personal and professional growth. We are confident that competent and engaged employees are prerequisites for attaining corporate goals and objectives. As such, the Firm:
- Creates a working atmosphere that lends itself to employee motivation and high productivity;
- Attracts, retains, and rewards highly competent employees with the capacity to meet the firm's immediate and long-term objectives;
- Gives all employees the support and encouragement needed to develop their potential to the fullest while paying attention to the individual employee’s performance and progress;
- Gives every employee ample opportunity for promotion based on merit and productivity;
- Provides the means and the opportunity to enable every employee to bring to the attention of management when necessary, any personal matters affecting his/her work, and to express his/her opinions to management freely;
- Provides good physical working conditions in a conducive, safe, and secure environment.
Working at Babajide Okusaga & Co.
Our commitment goes beyond our responsibilities to our clientele as we also maintain a good working environment for staff of the firm – who are the drivers of our corporate vision, mission, and core values.