A Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Investing Strategies.

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What’s the difference between Rental and investment property? If you’re thinking about investing in real estate to make money, you need to first determine your financial goals. Do you need to make money quickly, invest for your children’s university fund, or build wealth for your retirement?

If you’re thinking about investing in real estate to make money, you need to first determine your financial goals. Do you need to make money quickly, invest for your children’s university fund, or build wealth for your retirement? Once you determine your financial goals, you need to decide which type of investing strategy works for you.

Make Money in Real Estate – Rental Property Strategy

If you want to increase your yearly income, look for income property that returns a positive net income from year to year. Start with a single-family house. Look for a bargain below market value. Fix up the house to generate top rental income. Find houses that will rent for more than your mortgage payment. You may need to go out from your home area to a location that supports this type of return on your money. You can’t pay ₦234,000,000 for a home with a mortgage of ₦1,170,000 that only rents for ₦780,000. You might start with a home for around ₦234,000,000 that rents for ₦1,365,000. You will need good credit to get a loan with good interest rates. In a few years, your rental income should go up. Many real estate investors enjoy millions of naira each year generated by rental property.

However, some investors don’t like dealing with tenants and prefer to make money in other real estate ventures.

Make Money in Real Estate – Investment Property Strategy

If you want to make money focusing on profits, investment property offers a different strategy. Instead of worrying about rental income, look for property that you can transform and sell or property that will appreciate significantly over time. Besides fixing a house up, you can transform a property by changing it. For instance, some investors buy apartment buildings and turn them into condominiums. Many investors speculate in land and make money by holding the land until new development in the area increases the value.

Examine your financial situation along with your long term goals. You can get started by flipping properties, move onto income properties, and then make larger profits with investment properties. You might end up using a combination of these two strategies to make money investing in real estate.

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