5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Playing in the Real Estate Game.

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So you’ve seen your umpteenth Ad with the guy in his neatly pressed button-upped white T-Shirt grinning ear to ear waving his rock-solid no-money-down rags-to-riches real estate investment course for 3 easy payments of a gazillion Naira and now you are thinking, “wow this looks like a great deal, I better get it fast before the special offer expires.” You notice how there’s always a special offer? Anyway, I am not saying this guy isn’t telling the truth, however regardless of which course or school of thought you buy into there are several key areas that one must avoid when engaging in any real estate related transaction.

Pitfall Number 1: Don’t Overpay!

The whole point in investing is to find properties that are undervalued. How does one find out what is undervalued versus overvalued? Without getting into technical details, the bottom line is you need experience. Yes much like shopping for anything else, real estate is essentially one of the highest ticket items in the shopping center of life. It’s advisable to stick with one market, perhaps the one closest to you in proximity as a starting off point. Through your experience and asking the right questions, you will eventually have a feel for the pulse of the market you are looking after, and of course identify what is considered a good buy.

Pitfall Number 2: Know the Market

Yes, you are actually going to have to do more work! This part is really common sense though, but executing it where the beauty and the payoff comes in. How do you make money in real estate? The most basic way is to buy low and sell high. So from the first step, you have identified general trends in the value of homes, and are pretty good at spotting undervalued homes. Assuming you acquire that home, you may want to profit from it by selling it off to someone else for a higher price. How can you do this? Well there are many ways. For one, most markets appreciate in value over time so if you want a longer term approach that will work. Making upgrades to the property will automatically raise the price of the home as well. Think in terms of what the market wants, not what you personally want. You aren’t the one buying it; you are trying to sell it to someone else for a higher price than you bought it.

Pitfall Number 3: Know Your Budget

It may be a fine philosophy to go through life on a whim, but real estate is serious business, and thus diligent financial planning and budgeting are critical to your success. Don’t worry you don’t need to be a finance geek, however you need to be disciplined and know your budget from the onset, or you may find that you need to make certain renovations or upgrades, and didn’t anticipate it going over a certain cost. Think ahead as to what is needed before actually going forth with investing in real estate.

Pitfall Number 4: Neglecting Due Diligence

Skipping due diligence is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in real estate investing. Due diligence involves thoroughly researching a property and its surroundings before making a purchase. This includes checking for any legal issues, understanding zoning regulations, verifying property boundaries, and inspecting the physical condition of the property. For example, failing to notice structural issues or unpaid property taxes can lead to significant unexpected costs down the line. Always conduct a comprehensive investigation to ensure there are no hidden problems that could derail your investment.

Pitfall Number 5: Failing to Plan for Market Fluctuations

The real estate market can be unpredictable, with prices and demand fluctuating due to various factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, and local developments. Not planning for these fluctuations can jeopardize your investment. It’s essential to have a strategy that accounts for potential market downturns. This might include diversifying your investments, setting aside a financial cushion for tough times, and staying informed about market trends. For instance, having multiple rental properties in different areas can help mitigate the risk if one market experiences a slump. Always be prepared for the possibility that the market may not perform as expected.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can navigate the real estate game more effectively and increase your chances of success. Remember, real estate investing requires careful planning, thorough research, and a proactive approach to managing risks. Happy investing! 🏡✨

Babajide Okusaga & Co are Chartered Surveyors and Real Estate Consultants with expertise in Agency, Investment, Management, and Syndication (AIMS). We are known for being client-focused and results-driven, aiming to connect clients with their specific real estate needs such as Investments, Sales, Letting, Joint Ventures, and Partnerships.

We dedicate time and energy to ensure clients’ satisfaction by helping them find the best-suited real estate solutions. Whether it’s leasing office space, financing a first home, purchasing a new factory, or managing an investment portfolio, Babajide Okusaga & Co caters to the considerations of corporate entities, individuals, and High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs).

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